John Meridth Straker of La Resource, St. Mark - Retired Police Officer, passed away on Monday 23rd January, 2017 at the age of 81
He was the husband of: Millicent Theresa Straker, Father of: Debra Wilson, Sherol and Sheldon Straker in G’da, Dale Cadet, Jean Straker-Darbeau, Clitus, Carmen, Lorrie, Angeria, Laurel, Jerry and Angela in the USA, Grandfather of 24 including: Verlina and Kenwyn Straker, Darrell, Avrell and Alek Wilson and Makeda Cato, Great grandfather of 13 including: Ravon and Khalid Straker
Father in law of: Norris Wilson and Franklyn LaBorie in Grenada, Cardet and Kester Darbeau in the USA, Brother of: Aileen Harford, Jane Thomas, Rita Thomas, Clemie Patrick and Denise Thomas, Brother in law of: Hon Dr. Clarice Modeste, Nesta Telesford, Sybil Charles, Edwee and Septimus Modeste
Many nieces and nephews Close relatives and friends including: Alice Felix and family of St. Andrew, Pat Fletcher and family of Victoria, Thomas, Modeste and Straker families in Grenada, Oneal Ogiste, Fannella, Franklin, Claudine, Mr. Hills, Pastor Hillaire and Members of Victoria SDA Church, friends and neighbours of Victoria and surrounding areas
Funeral Service on Thursday 16th February, 2017 at 2:00 pm at the Victoria Seventh-day Adventist Church, St. Mark and interment at the Coast Guard Cemetery