Nerrisa E. Joseph Featured

Nerrisa E. Joseph of Moliniere, St. George who resided in Toronto, Canada, passed away on Sunday 5th February, 2017 in Canada at the age of 34


Daughter of: Jacinta Olivia” Joseph and Joslyn Walker in Canada, Sister of: Renee Zina Joseph, Dwight Straker and Megan Bartholomew in Canada, Niece of 15 including: Christine, Peter and Patrick Neckles, Glenda Pilgrim, and Cislyn Walker, Cousin of: Kemani, Kelroy Kemon Neckles, Shamalie, Michelle and Keturah Pilgrim


Many other relatives and friends including: Jones, Gill, John, Edwards, Woodroffe and Ferguson families of Moliniere, Hannah Simeon and family, Paula Melville and family, Hilary Walker, Shirley and Patsy Harris, friend and neighbour of Moliniere and Canada


Viewing on Friday February 17th 2017 between 4:00 -8:00 PM at the Mc Dougall and Brown Funeral Home, 1812 Eglinton Avenue West Toronto, ON M6E 2H6


Funeral on Saturday February 18th 2017 at 11:00AM to 12:30 PM in Mc Dougall and Brown Funeral Home. 

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