Wilton Roland Featured

Wilton Roland of Boca, St. George, passed away on Saturday 11th February, 2017 at the age of 87


He was the Father of: Fletcher Aird in Trinidad, Sharen Roland Francis, Carvel Munro and Sheridon Noel in the USA, Golden Noel and Paul Crane, Brother of: Golden Wellington in Trinidad & Victoria Marshall in England, Grand Father of: 23, Great Grand Father of: 25


Father in Law of: Denis Lewis & Ian Francis, Maria Aird, Brother in Law of: Wilton Marshall & Solita Wellington, His Care Giver: Nayanza Frederick


Many relatives and friends including: the Samuel family of Marigot, the Aird and Charles families of New Hampshire, the Mathlin family of Victoria, friends and neighbours of St. Paul’s, Boca & surrounding areas


Funeral Service on Friday 24th February, 2017 at 2:00 pm at the Beaulieu New Testament Church, St. George and interment at the Beaulieu Cemetery

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