Derek Trevor Pounder of Malty, St. David, passed away on Saturday 11th February, 2017 at the age of 64
He was the son of: Doreen Ettienne, Father of: Eric Pounder in England, Grand father of: Ricardo Pounder
Brother of: Margaret, Jean and Junior in Canada, Agnes in England, Sebastian in Antigua, John and Paul in Grenada, Step son of: Nora Pounder in Trinidad and Augustine Ettienne, Father in law of: Julia Pachon Oncina
Nephew of: Helen St. John and Jestina Thomas, Many nieces and nephews, Brother in law of: Tessa Thomas and Nelon Ross, Close friend of: Merryl Mark
Many other relatives and friends including: Ralph Baptiste, Fr. Gerald Paul, Cinty, Dr. Layne, the McKie family, Yvonne Duncan and family, Bishop family, Thomas family of Thebaide, Laurel Baptiste and family, Ettienne family of Calivigny, friends and neighbours of Maulty and surrounding areas
Funeral Service on Thursday 2nd March, 2017 at 2:00 pm at the St. David’s Roman Catholic Church, St. David and Interment at the St. David’s Cemetery