Jerome James Mc Barnette MBE Featured

Jerome James Mc Barnette MBE of  Gouyave, St. John who resided at Tanteen Terrace, St. George’s - Retired Principal and Education Officer, passed away on Sunday 26th February, 2017 at the age of 89


He was the Father of: Barrymore, Hilary, Pauline, Kamau, Petra, Jimmy, Herbert, Garson, Percy, Linette, Meryl, Lennie and Kyron, Grand father of: 41, Great grand father of: 35, Great great grand father of: 5


Father in law of: Hyacinth and Theresa McBarnette, and Patrice Julien, Brother in law of: Florence Gasparez, Marion Adams, Glenna Knights, Neutrice Williams and Dawne Sawney, His caregivers: Janice Sylvester, Revolon Baptist and Mary Charles, Several nieces and nephews


Many other relatives and friends including: Bernadette McBarnette, the Glean family, the Brother Hood of St. George, Mother’s Union, the entire Anglican Community, friends and neighbours of Gouyave, St. John, Tanteen Terrace and surrounding areas


Funeral service on Thursday 9th March, 2017 at 10: 00 am at the St. George’s Anglican Church, Church Street, St. George’s and Interment at the St. John’s Anglican Churchyard Cemetery, Gouyave, St. John

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