Samuel Joseph James Featured

Samuel Joseph James of La Mode, St. Patrick, passed away on Friday 17th February, 2017 at the age of 87


He was the Husband of: Gladys, Father of: Colville, David, Finber, Nigel, Gillian and Leroy in England and Robert in the USA, Grand father: 19, Great grand father of: 2


Brother of: Peter James in England, Soloman Cobb, Ethelbert and Charles James in Trinidad and Bernadette De Riggs, Many nieces & nephews in: Grenada, England, the USA, Canada and Trinidad, Father in law of: Sandra, Maurina, Brenda and Kim, Brother-in-law of: Deslyn David and Patrice Templeman


Other relatives & friends including: Wilfred and Agatha Harris and family, the James, Cobb, Williams, Fraser, Purcell, Sargent, Johnson, Cummings, Artz and Noel families, Bernard family of St. Andrew, Catherine Henry and family, Mary Henry and family, friends and neighbours of La Mode and surrounding area


Funeral Service on Tuesday 21st March, 2017 at 2:00 pm at the Beaulieu R C Church, St. George and entombment at the Beaulieu Cemetery


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