Dr. Roy Lewis Baptiste Sr. also known as “Dr.”and “Teacher Roy” of Crochu, St. Andrew who resided in Sarasota, Florida, passed away on Tuesday 31st January, 2017 in Sarasota, Florida at the age of 90
Father of: Roy Baptiste Jr. and Dr. Cheryle Baptiste, Grand father of: Adrian Baptiste, Sylvia Omer also know as “Yousif” Morgan Washington, also know as “Monique” all in the USA, Uncle of: 24, Grand, Great Grand Uncle, Cousins and God children in: Canada, Grenada, Trinidad and Tobago, London England and USA, Father- in- Law of: Bernadette Alexander, Brother in law of: Joseph Ross
Many other relatives and friends including: Sir Daniel and Lady Williams, Egbert and family, the Baptiste, Noel, Guillaume, Hypolite, Francis, Alexander and Charles families, friend and neighbour of Crochu, Felix Park, Pomme Rose, La Tante, Cuma, Hope, Byelands, Munich and the USA
Memorial Mass on Wednesday 23rd August, 2017 at 1:30pm at the St. Martin De Porres Catholic Church, Crochu, St. Andrew and Interment of the Cremains at the Church Yard Cemetery