Kadon Robertson Ferguson of Gouyave, St. John, passed away on Sunday 14th May, 2017at the age of 14mths
He was the Son of: Kelen Robertson and Ralph Ferguson, Adopted Son of: Denyse Hypolite Brathwaite and Charles Brathwaite
Brother of: Rondel, Isreal, Omari, Chad, Shakim, Kadine, Aaliyha, Kisha, and Rholda, Adopted Brother of: Joshua Pierre Brathwaite and Khadena Barry Brathwaite in Canada, Grand Son of: Grace George of the USA and Gloria Robertson of Gouyave, Nephew of: Alvin, Devon, Elvis, Patricia, Asha, Tasha, Susan and Eslyn
Many other relatives and friends including: Elizabeth and Alvin Forsyth, Teacher Avonnel Stephen, staff, students and parents of the Toddler’s class at First Choice Junior School, Clair Barry, Nurse Natalie Phillip, Andrea Phillip, Eslyn Lewis, Amanda Ferguson, friends and neighbours of Gouyave and surrounding areas
Funeral Service on Wednesday 24th May, 2017 at 2:00 pm at the House of Praise, Gouyave Open Bible Church, St. John and Interment at the Dougladston Cemetery