Jean James also known as “Tanty Jean” of Grand Anse Housing Scheme, resided in the USA, passed away on Tuesday 7th April, 2015 at the age 83
She was the Mother of: Carol, Lester also known as “Terry”, Jennifer, Paul also known as “Steve”, Patricia and Sheron all in the USA, Grand mother of 14: in G’da and the USA, Great grand mother of: Darnell, Kassie, Kareem, Jalen, Jelani, Jahdea, Mike Jr. and Malcom, God mother of: Sister Jill Jerome and Cathy Albert
Aunt of many including: Selwyn James, Norbert Douglas, Cynthia James and Stella Alexander, Grand Aunt and Great grand Aunt of many
Other relatives and friends including: Nola Nedd, Ray Sylvester, Miss Celestine, Pastor Paul and family, Shereen, Patricia, Gertrude, Kathleen the Brathwaite family of the Carenage, Patricia of Frequente, friends and neighbours of Grand Anse and the USA
Funeral Service on Friday 17th April, 2015 at 2: 00 pm at the Garden of Remembrance Funeral Chapel, Cemetery Hill, St. George’s, according to Anglican Rites and interment at the Wilberforce Cemetery