Enis Elizabeth Robertson also known as “Tanty” of Cornet’s Walk, Gouyave, St. John, passed away on Saturday 20th January, 2018 at the age of 89
She was the adopted mother of: Yvette James, Janet Mitchell and Desle-Ann Munro, Grand mother of: Luckisia and Carlton James, Carvin Banfield, Dudley, Freda and Carla Duncan, Enis and Ted Bartholomew, Mark Mitchell & Terry Welsh, Great Grand Mother of 15 including: Kerry Ann Pascal, Keyshona, Lizzie and Gabby Banfield
Sister of: William Roberts and Verna Baldeo of Loretto, and Meshach Robertson in England, Aunty of many including: Tasha Thomas, Sheila Banfield, Barry Alexis, Marvin Thomas, Steve Chance, Indra, Shira, Judy and Dave and Carla Baldeo, Orick De Coteau and Morril Mathlin
Many other relatives and friends including: Vernon “Sancho” Cumberbatch, Evelyn Mc Intyre, Gloria Ashton, Cathy Ann Modeste and Family, Carnice Peters and family, Daphne Samuel, Arthur Hosten, Ina Britton, Verna Francis and family, Derek “Swan” Frederick, Sister Joan Ferguson, The Duncan Family, The Munro Family, the Robertson family at the Market Square, Gouyave, the Walker family, friends and neighbours of Gouyave and surrounding areas
Funeral Service on Friday 16th February, 2018 at 1:30 pm at The Anglican Church, Gouyave, St. John and interment at the Churchyard Cemetery