Peter Tyson also known as “Mr. Bra” and “Mr. Peter” Featured

Peter Tyson also known as “Mr. Bra” and “Mr. Peter” of Seamoon, St. Andrew, passed away on Wednesday 17th April, 2019 at the age of 94


He was the father of: Titus Tyson also known as “Pope Paul” Samuel Tyson also known as “Pele” and “Tyson” in Carriacou, Sarah Tyson also known as “Christine” in Trinidad, Lynette Williams, Solomon Tyson in the USA, Lynthia Tyson in St. Croix and Philmon Tyson, Grand father of 15 include: Curtis, Eudine, Marlyn, Earlon, Salim, Harmond, Kandel, Melissa and Tylon, Great-grand father of: 3


Brother of: John Tyson also known as “Goo-goo”, Father in law of many include: Martin Williams, Kayola, Earla and Tyhera, Brother in law of many include: Errol, Ruth, Kathelyn and Fidella, Uncle of many include: Mansfield, Alice Douglas, Gosnel, Lyndon, Kenrick, and Donald, His cargivers: Leslieann Belfon Courtney, Lyndonna Noel Ragis and Naphtolie Baptiste


Many other relatives and friends including: Cousins Dassy and Dessa, Shirley Joseph, the Bridgeman, Tyson, McIntosh and Noel families, members of Church of God 7th day of Seamon, Rose Hill, Woodlands and Carriacou, friends and neighbours of Seamon, Paradise and surrounding areas


Funeral Service on Tuesday 7th May, 2019 at 2:00 pm at LaQua Brothers Funeral Chapel, Gladstone Road, St. Andrew according to Church of God 7th Day rites and Interment at the Grand Bras Cemetery

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