Hamblin James also known as “Yow” of Sunshine Avenue, Calivigny, St. George who resided in London, passed away on Saturday 1st February, 2020 at the age of 86
He was the father of: Mary Charles also known as “Spicy” residing in Trinidad
Grand father of: Jerry Charles
His Guardians: Barrington and Suzette Roberts
Grand father in law: Sally Charles, Great grand father of: Adrian and Miss Odile
Uncle of many including: Brenda, Sherma and Ann Marie, Grnd Uncle of: Daniela, Brendon and Dontel Binda
Many relatives and friends including: Sheron Harris, Magdalene “Magday” Licorish, Leslie “Sepp” James of Marian, Errol and Rhonda in NY, Stephen and Katie of Marian, the Binda family of Calivigny and Marian, Joseph and Carmen Phillip and family of LaBorie, Sherilyn Binda, Ronald Simon and family, Rodney Thomas and family, Adella Grappy, Phinsley St. Louis and family, the Roberts family of Calivigny, Mr. Cyprian and family, Richard, Warren and Norris, friends and neighbours of Calivigny and surrouding areas
Funeral Service on Friday 14th February, 2020 at 2:00 pm at the Garden of Remembrance Funeral Chapel, Cemetery Hill, St. George’s according Gospel Hall Rites and interment at the St. George’s Center Cemetery