Raphael Clarence Lewis also known as “Teacher Ray” and “Bloddy Eyes” of Gouyave Estate, St. John - A well known retired teacher of St. John’s R C School, passed away on Friday 10th April, 2020 at the age of 73
He was the father of: Lisa, Ricky, and Shamya
His companion: Frederica John
Grand father of: Qwanell
Brother of: Emma, Ovar, Stephen, Teresa, Wendy, Eunice and Ernest
Uncle of: Marlon, Joanne, Brian, Ronnie, Dad-day, Mr Joe, Terry Verna, John and Dunstan
Many other relatives and close friends including: Danny Boy, Judy Lewis, Ron Charles, Norma Noel, Tessile, Jerry, Harper, Pune, Peter Tom, Cake, Natty, friends in Harlem, Principal and staff of St. John’s R C, St. John’s Anglican, St. Rose Secondary and St. John’s Christian Secondary School, friends and neighbours of Gouyave Estate, Maran, Victoria, Dougaldston, and St. George’s
Private Funeral Service and interment