Earlyn Depradine also known as “Earlyn Paul” of Gross Point, Victoria, St. Mark, passed away on Monday 1st June, 2020 at the age 79
She was the mother of: Winston, Carlson, Kevin, Joel, Merrilo, Thera, Wendy, Roger and Kerry, Step Mother of: 5, Great Mother of: 15, Great Grand Mother of: 9
Sister of: Davis, Cedric, Delbert, Anslem and Eslyn in the USA, Lincoln in the UK, Eldica, Doreen, Claudia, Wilma and Albert in Grenada
Aunt & Grandaunt of many Including: Valarie, Alison, Rosie, Terry, Velda, Wellington and Gannett
Many other relatives & close friends including: Cyril, Sonia, the Paul, Depradine, Wellington, Francis, Williams, Crosby, Julien, Andrew, Mitchell, Belfon, Barry, Robert and Charles Families, friends and neighbours in the USA, St. Marks, St. John and surrounding areas
Private Funeral and Interment