Matthew Phillip also known as “Charlie and Movie-Man” of Concord who resided at Palmist, St. John at the age of 67
He was the Father of: Nicole in the USA, Grandfather of: 2
Brother of: Ennis John, Veronica Phillip in England, Sago in Trinidad, Edith, Edrisa, David, Mitchell, Joseph, Kent, Daniel and Benedict
Uncle of many including: Ricky ‘Trooper” Phillip, Randolph, Shona and Candy
Nephew of: Jully and Lambert Rechea
Many cousin other relatives and close friends including: Wilma Cadore, Charles in the UK, Ruth, Gracelyn George, Irma & Morris Pompey, Frank Sandy, Vickus Herry, Utilda Andrew, the Williams, Smith, John, Cato, Gangardine, Phillip, Louison, Rachea and Sandy families, friends and neighbours in Concord, Marigot, Palmist and surrounding areas
Private Funeral service and interment