Andrew Lewis also Known as “Ethlan Joseph” of Mt. Granby, St. John, passed away on Thursday 18th June, 2020 at the age of 65
He was the Father of: Ezrol Ferguson and Kenneth “Bob” Collins
Grand Father of: Kimron Collins
Father-in-law of: Rachel in the USA and Princess Gilbert
Close and Dear Friend of: Rebecca Logan
Uncle of: Everest, Justin, Michael and Francis Joseph, Grand Uncle of many including: Laurie Lewis, Lawrance, Lauriston, Lindel, Laurel, Francine, Frances, Francinta and Francesca
Caregivers: Errol Maloney, Christel Charles and Neikatta Thomas
Many cousins other relatives and close friends including: The Douglas family of Trinidad, Agatha James and family, Winston James and family of Mt. Granby, Leitta Cambridge and family in Trinidad, Natasha John and family in Trinidad, Deborah George, Ilys Purcell and family, Denis Maitland and family in the USA, Andris Wilson of Gouyave, Hilary Paul of Vendome, Cherry-ann Ferguson in the USA, Nurses and Doctors of the Male Surgical Ward friend and neighbours of Trinidad, Gouyave, Mt. Granby and Surrounding areas
Private Funeral service and interment