Marie Anna Christine Britton of Victoria, St. Mark, passed away on Sunday 19th April, 2020 at the age of 82
She was the Mother of: Sydney Britton in the USA
Grand Mother of: Quinc, Breanna, Morgan and Bret
Sister of: Clair Romain, Sheila Wilson in Trinidad, Maria and Bernadette
Aunt of many including: Lawrence, Anthia, Crystal and Joan, Joseph, Beatrice, Claudine, Meryl and Earl in the USA
Grand aunt of many, Her Care-givers: Anthia, Julie, Forsil and Judith
Many cousins, other relatives and close friends including: The Paul, Britton, Lewis and Wellington families in Victoria, Gouyave and Concord, Molly Patrick, Florina Modeste, Juliana Fletcher, Mr. Thompson Crosby, Claudia Ferguson, Simon Lewis, Marina, Kenisha Benjamin, the Parishioners of Victoria Roman Catholic Church, friends and neighbours in the USA, Trinidad, Concord, Gouyave, Victoria and surrounding areas
Private Funeral service and interment