Carlyle Stephen Duncan also known as “Rasta Man and Laki” of Tivoli, St. Andrew resided in Seluth, Trinidad, passed away on Monday 26th October, 2020 in Trinidad at the age of 63
He was the father of: Nikiesha & Affie, Grand father of 5
Brother of: Ruby, Doreen, Yvette, Dorie, Pinky, Ann, Maria and Wilma, Wesley & Ed in Grenada, Leno & Lenadine in the USA, Dona, Lazarus & Wilan in Trinidad and Judith in St. Vincent
Uncle of many including: Kyron, Leroy, Merlyn, Gillian, Calvin Theodel, Michelle, and Sally Ann, Grand uncle of many
Many other relatives and close friends including: Molly in Grenada, Pilling, Easy, Cislyn and the boys at Seluth Market, Trinidad, the Brizan, Duncan, Henry & Lett families, friends and neighbors of Tivoli and Trinidad
Funeral Service and interment in Trinidad