Mary Noel also known as “Marie Noel” of Chantimelle, St. Patrick, passed away on Saturday 5th December, 2020 at the age of 87
She was the mother of: Clive Baptiste, George Lewis, Roy Noel, Ann Lewis, Christine, Dahlia and Evon Noel and Donna Benjamin
Grand mother of 34 including: Asha, Kevon, Kelton, Anslem, Anna, Donnel, Andrell, Camasha, Camesha, Keron, Atisha, Andyia, Darmani, Royston, Clarence and Matthew, Great grandmother of: 22
Nephews and nephews include: Angela, Nadia and Mike
Other close relatives and friends including: Jenny, Althea, Leatha, Phyllis, Leena, Luciann, Fredina, Hon. Anthony Boatswain, the Marcelle and Noel family of Prospect, Darvie and Samaritan, members of Chantimelle & Sauteurs R C Church, friends and neighbours of Chantimelle and surrounding areas
Private Funeral Service and Interment