Hialary Kingston Bernard of Marigras, St. George who resided in the USA and Victoria, St, Mark, passed away on Friday 26th February, 2021 at the age of 55
She was the Wife of: Benedict Alwyn Bernard
Sister of: Janet Miller, Gloria Kingston and Keith Cadet in the USA, Lydia Kingston Mitchell, Shurman Kingston, Merriel Kingston Bonaparte, and Norbertina Kingston
Niece of: Merle Kingston in Canada, Albena Benoir, Stafford and Albert Kingston, and Clarry Donald
Aunt of many including: Carla Miller and Sebrina Miller Bailey in the USA, Amanda Alexander, Aaron Kingston, Richardson George, Joy Langaigne, Glenda Kingston and Alex Alexander
Sister-in-Law of: Carla Miller in the USA, Augustine Mitchell, Sherma Bernard, Ugen Bernard and Magarette Cadet
Many cousins, other relatives & close friends including: Dale Louison and Anne-Marie Cadet Gilkes, Lindford Kingston, Sister Silvia Gaddy, Norma John, Vero Kingston, Ursella Phillip, Junior Gilkes, the Church of Browsville Temple Brooklyn N.Y, the Vincent, Sylvester, Bonaparte, Mitchell, Bernard, Benoit and Telesford familes, friends and neighbours in England, USA, Canada,Victoria, Mardigras and surrounding areas
Private Funeral service and Interment