Theadora Bridgette Gludd Tobin also known as “Dora” and “God-own” - A well known Spice Vendor, Zone One of Apres Toute, St. David who resided in Belmont, St. George and Canada, passed away on Friday 8th October, 2021 in Canada at the age of 77
She was the mother of: Ann Mary Gludd James, Phillip Gludd, Yvonne and Keith Gludd in the USA, Ralph in Canada, Randolph Gludd, Carlyle Gludd in the UK, Willian and Norman Gludd, Grand mother of: 26, Great grand mother of: 11
Sister of: Lennard Tah-weh Gludd and Lucy Gludd-Lett in the USA, Very close friend and caretaker: Maureen Pearl Garcia in Canada
Many other relatives and friends including: friends and relatives of Apres Toute, Belmont, Sauteurs, Belle Vue, USA, England and Canada
Private Funeral and Interment