Omega Ferilia Jackson also known as “Wintress” of Bogles, Carriacou, passed away on Saturday 12thd February, 2022at the age of 70
She was the wife of: Leroy Jackson
Was the mother of: Amanda, Marsha and Keith Jackson, Adopted mother of: Marvin Charles
Grand father of: Janaya, Ella, Leah and Aiden
Brother of: Winston, Michael, Mona and Cynthia
Sister in law of: Dawn Phillips and Steve Ettienne, Aunts of : 15, Niece of: 15, Close cousins of : Alcina and Dawn Jackson
Many other relatives and friends including: Jackson families, Quashies families and Phillips families,Verna Brathwaite, Rita and Wilfred Boatswain, Chester Noel, Lloyd and Jacintha Blaize, Verna and Elie Cox, Rupert (aka) Boney Roseman, Sidney and Sheila Carby, Bridget Thomas and family, Donald Enoe, Mona Alexanderand Monica Barclay
Private Funeral Service and Interment