Anthony Lorainey also known as “Jude Hosten” & “Watch it” of Gouyave, St. John, resided in Frequente, St. George, passed away on Thursday 21st July, 2022 at the age of 70
He was the father of: Orienthia McIntyre, Stepfather of: Raymond Thomas
Brother of: Sherwin and Shirley Ann Lorainey, Margaret Campbell and Cecil Hosten in the USA, Bernard Lorainey, Joan Glean and Merlin Spencer in G’da, Brother in law of: Germaine and Kathy Ann Lorainey and Laurie Glean
Nephew of: Joan Abraham and Bernadette Jaffier, Uncle of many including: Junior and Ramon Lorainey, Marlon and Dwayne Glean, Haniff, Kellon, Alva, Kelroy and Nikki Lorainey, JR Benjamin, Karen, Charmaine, Charlotte and Chartisha, Michael, Brandon and Malcolm CampbellCaretakers: Joel Thomas and Nikki Lorainey
Many cousins, other relatives and friends including: Doreen Bain and family, The Abraham family and Castillo family of St. John, Lorainey and Hosten, Teka and Dhranjit families of St. John, the Charles and Grant family of Victoria, Hercules family of Corinth, St. David, Teacher Shermaine and family, Mr. Peter David and family, Helen Williams and family, Elaine Dabreo and family, former employees of Grenlec, friends and neighbours of Frequente, Gouyave and surrounding areas
Funeral Service on Friday 19th August. 2022 at 1:00pm at the St. Peter’s Roman Catholic Church, St. John and interment at the Dougaldston Cemetery