Devin Rudolph Phillip of Boston, Massachusetts, passed away on Monday 17th October, 2022 at the age of 38
He was the husband of: Elaine Ellis Phillip
Father of: SaiAnna and Joshua Hillaire in the USA
Son of: Denise Bowen and Rawlings Phillip in the USA
Brother of: Carla Phillip, Ryan and Felicia Phillips in the USA, Rondell John in Grenada
Nephew of: Bernard Bowen, Anesta Simon Lett, Denzil Bowen, Janice Hercules, Alban LaMothe, Agnes George, Rholda and Jocelyn Swan in Grenada, Susan Bowen, Vanessa Newton, Betty Compton, Florence, Olive LaMothe, George LaMothe in the USA, Millicant Egberongbe in the UK
Great Nephew of: Verna Noel, Uncle of: Logan Mason, Elias Amado in the USA, God Son of: Irene Sheppard in the USA and Joy Bowen
Many other relatives and close friends including: Vanessa, Cheryl and Shaun Egberongbe, Sheldon “Jimmy” Joseph, Keshia Simon-Kennedy, Stacy Anne Simon-Simpson, Clint Joseph, Simone, Alden also known as Garth, Kieron, Kizonnia & Kizon Bowen, Shenia Newton, the Antoine family, Noel family of Mt. Moritz and Morne Jaloux, Johnson family, Bowen, Parke, Ghatt and Pascal families of Morne Jaloux and surrounding areas, Purcell, LaMothe and Isaac family of St. Patrick, George and Phillip family of Hermitage
Funeral service and interment in the USA